People Performance - Skills Gap Analysis

"Perfect practice makes perfect"

statsIt is widely accepted that if you increase the capability of an employee you will increase the performance potential. Increase performance in the sales arena and you increase revenue.

Meritum employs cutting edge skills management software from Skillstrak to objectively measure your sales team competencies. This assessment process can be achieved through third party observation or through on-line self assessment – or both. The platform enables management to interrogate the sales skills repository and select people by the skills they have to do a specific role or task.

Objective assessment promotes a “best person for the job” structure that puts square pegs in square holes.

The Meritum methodology establishes what skills your people already have and at what level they are proficient. Any skills gaps therefore highlight where sales staff need to be up-skilled.

Having objective training needs analysis for every team member allows you to identify strengths needs and weaknesses within in every section of the sales cycle.